Home Inventory Data Gone After Converting To A New Version of Quicken

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Updated: March, 29 2024 4:56PM
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Before you begin

Quicken Home Inventory is no longer supported. You can continue to use this program, but if you encounter an issue, Quicken Support will be unable to assist. 


In Quicken Home Inventory, open the data file manually the first time. This will set the default to open the data file automatically whenever the program is started from within Quicken. 

To open your data file manually:

  1. Select the Quicken Home Inventory File menu and select Open.
  2. Locate your file. Quicken Home Inventory files have the file name extension .idb
  3. Double-click the file.
  4. The file will open and the default is set to open the data file automatically.

If Quicken has been installed on a new computer, back up the Quicken Home Inventory data from within the program on the old computer. Then, restore the data from the backup media to the hard disk of the new computer.

To restore the data from a backup:

  1. Select the Quicken Home Inventory File menu and select Restore Backup File.
  2. On the Select Restore Drive window, click the drop-down list arrow, select the drive, and then click OK.  
  3. Double-click the name of the file to open it.

The file will be restored to the directory where Quicken was installed. After double-clicking the file, the following message might appear: "Home Inventory can not restore the specified file because it will replace the file that is currently open. Please close the current file and try again."  To resolve this, you must overwrite the existing file:

  1. Click OK on the error message.
  2. Close the new file that Quicken Home Inventory opened.
  3. Select the File menu and select Restore Backup File
  4. On the Select Restore Drive window, click the drop-down list arrow, select the drive, and then click OK
  5. Double-click the file.
  6. Click OK to overwrite the existing file. This will overwrite an empty, new file with the data file. The file will be restored from the backup and opened.
Article ID: GEN82045

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