Become an affiliate for Quicken,

Partner with the #1 brand in terms of
awareness & consideration

in personal finance management

For 30+ years Quicken has been helping people manage their finances and reach their financial goals and now Simplifi by Quicken brings that same empowerment to a younger generation.

What you get

Our affiliate program is hosted on the Impact platform, where we will track all your sales and sign ups that are referred to Quicken from your traffic. Once we review your application and determine your eligibility, you will be given access to tracking links, creatives and more!

Earn Money

Sign up is Free

Tools for Success

Easy Implementation

Monthly Payments

Dedicated Support

Who Should sign up

If your website or blog focuses on finance or has related articles that focuses on saving money or helping others reach their savings goals.

If you reach people who are financially aware and thoughtful about their money spending habits maybe they’re building a savings account, paying off debt, or having trouble staying on top of their bills.

Let's empower together - become an affiliate.

How it works

Target your audience

Quicken members are actively trying to save for retirement, they have an interest or currently are investing their money, and prefer to monitor what they earn or spend themselves.

Target market 40+

Simplifi members are actively trying to save for retirement, they are also currently saving for larger purchases, and prefer the assistance of an online tool to save and manage their spend.

Target market 20’s — 40’s

Sign up

  1. Sign up for our Quicken Inc. Affiliate Program and get approved
  2. Get up and running quickly by leveraging our content and visuals in your blog, article, social media account, forum or email the choice is yours and adding your affiliate link. We're continually refreshing creative - static banners, animated, flash, text links, and special offers.
  3. Generate revenue!

Join Now

You are our top priority

Trusted for over 35 years

Over 20 million members have trusted Quicken to plan and grow their finances for over three decades.

30-day money-back guarantee

Quicken financial products are backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee*

Safe and secure

Quicken protects your data with robust 256-bit encryption.