Tax Deductions: Right, Wrong, and Risky
Tax law is not just a complex matrix of rules and regulations—it’s a world in which interpretation and decision-making play vital roles. Deciding how to handle deductions and tax positions is critical to tax planning for individuals and businesses alike.
Tread too carefully, and you might miss out on legitimate savings. Tread too recklessly, and you might find yourself on the wrong side of an audit or, worse, legal action. This article aims to help you find the sweet spot between conservative, aggressive, and illegal tax positions.
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The three distinctions:
1. Conservative approach: Conservative deductions and tax positions are well within the precise boundaries of tax laws. You might choose not to take certain deductions even though those deductions are legitimate. By taking a conservative approach:
- You minimize the risk of an audit
- You may, however, miss out on potential deductions that could be legitimately claimed
2. Aggressive approach: Aggressive deductions and positions push the boundaries of what’s acceptable within tax law. For example, you might deduct a business trip to the beach. While they might be legal, they can raise red flags. This approach:
- Increases the risk of an audit or inquiry
- Maximizes potential savings if all deductions are ultimately deemed legitimate
- Requires a deeper understanding and substantial documentation to back up each deduction
3. Tax fraud: Fraudulent deductions, positions, and omissions clearly and knowingly violate tax laws. For example, if you’re required to disclose foreign bank accounts and choose not to disclose them to hide income. Individuals or businesses that opt for this path:
- Face significant risks, including hefty fines, penalties, and potential legal action
- Compromise their reputation and credibility
Tips for making the right deduction choices:
1. Understand the boundaries: Familiarize yourself with tax laws and the latest interpretations. IRS publications, tax seminars, and professional consultations can be valuable resources.
2. Document everything: Documentation is critical whether you decide to be conservative or aggressive with your deductions. Detailed records can provide the necessary justification for deductions if questioned.
3. Seek expert advice: A tax professional can offer guidance on where the line is drawn between aggressive and illegal, helping you make informed decisions.
4. Consider your risk tolerance: While being aggressive might offer more savings, it comes with heightened risks. Evaluate your comfort level with these risks before deciding on your approach.
5. Stay updated: Tax laws and interpretations change. Regularly reviewing updates ensures that what was once considered an aggressive deduction hasn’t shifted into the realm of the illegal, or vice versa.
A fourth distinction: honest mistakes
Even with the best intentions, mistakes can happen. Tax codes are extensive and intricate, and misinterpretations are not uncommon. An “honest mistake” is an unintentional error in understanding or applying a tax rule. It’s distinct from aggressive or illegal deductions in that there’s no intent to deceive or manipulate the system.
However, it’s essential to understand that accountability still applies, even when you make a mistake. The IRS can still impose penalties or require back payments. The severity often depends on the error’s nature and its perceived intent. Additionally, once you become aware of a mistake, taking the initiative to correct the error can demonstrate your commitment to compliance.
Right, wrong, and in between
“Aggressive” doesn’t necessarily mean “wrong,” just as “conservative” doesn’t always mean “safe.” The key is understanding the nuances of tax laws and where each deduction falls on the spectrum of conservative to illegal.
As the adage goes, “It’s not about what you make, but what you keep.” To keep more of your earnings, remember to walk the tightrope of tax deductions with balance, knowledge, and care.
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About the Author

Charles Renwick
Charles Renwick is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA). He is the author of the best-selling book, All the Presidents’ Taxes, the founding member of the accounting firm CMR Associates, and an accomplished corporate executive.
Charles previously worked for Ernst & Young and Novelis Aluminum. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of the University of Georgia, he holds degrees in accounting, economics, and political science. For three years, as a student, Charles worked for US Congressman John Barrow as a Congressional Staffer. Charles is also a member of multiple community organizations and serves on the State and Local Tax (SALT) Committee and the Forensic, Litigation & Valuation Services Committee for the Louisiana Society of CPAs.
He and his wife, Lauren, live in Covington, Louisiana, where he enjoys playing tennis, watching his kids play youth sports, and reading and writing about history, politics, and taxes.