The Pros and Cons of Pensions vs. Annuities
Many companies offer employees a choice between monthly annuity payments or one-time lump-sum retirement accounts from which they can draw pension payments as necessary. These two retirement options are very different and your choice can impact your future financial security.
Strategies to Teach Kids About Savings
It takes time and effort to teach kids about money, but it pays big dividends over time. From a young age, children learn from their parents about how to manage money and regulate spending. Help your kids develop good habits by following these tips.
Strike it Rich: What to Do if You Win the Lottery
Date: July 19, 2016
Strategies for Managing Elderly Parents' Finances
Date: September 19, 2016
How Credit Unions Are Different From Banks
Date: September 9, 2016
Amazing Places To Learn New Skills Online
Updating your skills is a great way to increase your earning potential, but it also exercises your mind and helps to avoid falling into a rut. With the recent explosion of online learning resources, you no longer have to solely rely on college classes or expensive workshops. Here are eight top sites for learning something new — either for free or for a modest fee.
Investment Property Loans: Know Before You Owe
All loans are not created equal. Expect to pay more for investment loans for rental property than you would for a home. Qualifying for a loan to buy rental property is generally a more difficult proposition. Adapt the investor’s hang-onto-your-hat-and-enjoy-the-ride philosophy that helps make your first investment in commercial real estate fun. But you can also profit from these solid tips on how to get financing.
Benefits to Negotiate For After a Job Offer
You’ve made it through the interview, impressed the boss and have a job offer on the table, now it’s time to discuss your job benefits. Hopefully you’ve done a little background research on the company so you can avoid negotiating yourself out of that job. Be wise, calm and professional, and get everything in writing to avoid misunderstandings on either side.
How to Maximize Your Social Security Benefits
Date: August 9, 2016
Investment Ideas for Busy People
One of the most convenient byproducts of the growth of the Internet is easy access to financial information. Data that used to be only in the hands of stockbrokers can now be downloaded from the comfort of your own home with just a click of the mouse. But when it comes to investments, facts and figures are only part of the story. Successfully mastering a portfolio of investments can take an enormous amount of time — time that many of today’s busy professionals can’t spare. Fortunately, a lack of time shouldn’t prevent you from tapping into the profit potential of today’s financial marketplace.